The experts guide to caring for your treasured

 cashmere pieces

During the colder months, there is nothing more cosy than layering up with the softest 

cashmere that is easy to wear and instantly stylish.The beautiful pieces in our cashmere capsule 

are the ones that we reach for time and time again on chilly winter mornings. But as much as we

 love the super-soft wool, it needs special attention when it comes to care to 

make sure treasured pieces last for years to come. 

 Our co-founder Lavinia who leads on Product Design, Ethics & Sustainability, tells us about 

Beulah’s cashmere capsule collection and shares her tips for how best to wash, 

wear and store your favourite cashmere pieces: 

 “Our cashmere blends 80% superfine merino wool and 20% cashmere 

to achieve the finest, most durable and sustainable 

cashmere that softens over time with every wear.



Each piece in the collection is organic, fair trade and is 

Cradle to Cradle® certified. This means our wool comes 

from sheep that are treated with respect and bred in 

sustainable farms. Natural and biodegradable dyes 

are used to dye the yarn to ensure as minimal

 environmental impact as possible. 

 Our sustainable cashmere lends itself to everyday

 luxury and is a real investment piece and one that, 

if cared for properly, will last for years to come. 

Here are my top tips for keeping your 

cashmere stays in perfect condition:”


Friction caused by wearing (seat belts, purse straps or jacket linings all contribute)

 can lead to small bobbles or patches of fuzz, known as pilling. Invest in a de-pilling 

comb and use it to lightly brush the affected areas in the direction of the knit. 

This will leave your garment looking as good as new!

Jasmine Cashmere Blend Black Knit & Valentine Black Knit Skirt


Never hang your cashmere as it may stretch and de-shape your garment. Instead, fold 

and put away in a draw. Moths are attracted to stained or unclean garments, not to the cashmere itself, 

so make sure that your cashmere pieces are clean before being stored away. To keep the

 pesky moths away, we recommend that you wrap your cashmere in cashmere storage bags. 

I also use cedar balls which work well scattered in draws, or alternatively, hang 

rosemary, thyme or lavender in your wardrobe – they work as a 

natural deterrent and will make your clothes smell lovely!

Omisha Cashmere Blend Beige Jumper



While some cashmere garments say that they can be machine washed on a

 low temperature,I recommend hand-washing or dry cleaning as this

 will always produce the best results. 

 Fill a clean sink or plastic wash basin with lukewarm water and swirl 

using your hand to check that the water isn’t too hot; you’ll know it’s right when

 it feels the same temperature as your skin. 

Add a small amount of non-biological liquid detergent, our favourite is this all-natural

 delicate detergent, which is especially for cashmere. It smells divine and achieves great results. 

Alternatively you could use baby-shampoo which also works well on delicate fabrics.


Turn your garment inside-out and submerge it in the water, gentle squeezing

 the water through it. Take care not to rub, wring or twist the fabric 

as it will pull the fibres and lead to a misshapen garment.

 Leave your garment to soak for up to 15 minutes and allow the detergent to work. 

 When rinsing, use the same temperature water as you used to wash and as 

before, squeeze the clean water through until it runs clear.


To dry, place your garment on a bath towel on a flat surface and roll-up, gently 

pressing as you go to squeeze out excess water. Repeat a couple of times

 so the garment feels just slightly damp. 

 Reshape the garment whilst damp (made sure hems are straight and buttons are done up)

 and lay on a dry towel on a hard flat service. Dry away from direct heat and never 

near a radiator or in strong direct sunlight, finally, never tumble dry your cashmere. 

 After drying if it needs it, iron on the lowest setting, using a damp cloth between 

the cashmere and the iron to avoid heat damage to the gentle fibres. 

Alternatively, you could dry clean your cashmere, once a season should be 

enough as excessive dry cleaning degrades garment fibres and increases environmental pollution. 

I’d recommend taking your cashmere pieces to the dry cleaner at the end of winter, then 

you can store away clean and ready for you to take out and wear again next season. 


Leila Blush Pink Cashmere Knit